Thursday, September 25, 2008

This is my Coke

We were in Glorietta yesterday because Willie was on leave. He just left for Singapore very early this morning to watch the F1 race there. While we were at Food Choices, I bought a Slammers meal which included a Coke in can. When I arrived at our table, I gave Griffin the Coke. When I wanted to drink some Coke .....

Griffin: Mommy get your own Coke.
Willie: Can I have some? (asking for a sip of the Coke)
Griffin: Daddy can share with me.
Me: I can't share with you?
Griffin: I don't want to share with you but I still love you Mommy.
Me: I still love you too.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Narrative Report: September 15 - September 20, 2008

Narrative Report
Period Covered: September 15 to September 20, 2008
By Teacher Cristy

Griffin has been constantly talking about "Ben 10" stuff lately with the other boys. It has been a major part of their play time, and even their conversations during snack time.

He did our activites for the week without difficulty, following instructions well, patiently waiting for his materials, finishing his work with little supervision. : ) His fine motor skills have shown great imrpovement as evident in his ability to finger paint and cut a circle.

He can identify numbers that come after very well, sometimes just needing a visual guide. What he finds a little difficult is writing the numbers, as he tends (still) to write some of them in reverse (mirror image) like 7, 6, 5..... the same is true when he writes the letters B,D. He answers questions about beginning letters very well. And just writes some of them in reverse.

He had a few anxious moments again this week - when Angelo accidentally stepped on his foot, and when Maddie (again) refused to share, he got very irritated with her and tried to "scare" her off, attempting to hit her with the cover of the toy box. When he saw that Maddie was about to cry, he left he to join his friends.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Best Driver

While driving Griffin home from school ....

Me: Hold on Griffin, because I'm driving.
Griffin: Mommy, you're the best driver ever!

I very seldom drive, usually only when I need to drive the car to pick Griffin up from school. My driving speed is around 20km/hr only but it's usually just a 5 minute drive from school to our house. I felt so appreciated, when I heard him tell me that I'm the best driver ever. :-)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Narrative Report: September 8 to September 12, 2008

Narrative Report
Period Covered: September 8 to September 12, 2008
By Teacher Cristy

Griffin continues to do very, very well in our reading exercises and is in fact one of our top readers (considering that he is the youngest in class). While he continues to use picture cues on words like smile, sticker, hear ... he can easily read words like bee, tree, bus, go leaf ... and as we read about "green", he was quick to say "that's my mommy's favorite color.

He patiently put seeds on the letters of his name and participated in our flower arranging activity without hesitation. When we had a planting activity though, he has reservations about touching the roots and when asked to scoop soil into the pot, his initial comment was "it's gross!"; but eventually did so when his turn was called, when he saw that he didn't need to hold the soil with his bare hands but use a small shovel instead.

He answers his worksheets easily but is sometimes careless - he says out the correct answer but encircled the wrong one. When he realizes that he made a mistake, he asks that it be erased at once, and tries very hard not to be overly anxious. When asked to write his name at the bottom of his worksheet, he always asks "Can I just write in big letters first?" He still needs a little more practice in writing "Griffin".

He has been extra active during outdoor play, throwing balls, running, going up and down, pounding on the walls ... Enzo, Colin and Zach continue to be his playmates. They always want to show the girls they do things better. :)

A Very Good Reader?

Griffin is getting better at reading. The following clip shows him reading his book. You'd think he's really a fast reader but he's just actually memorized parts of the book. He has a very good memory though.

Here's the video of Griffin reading his Transformers Animated book

Mooncake Festival

Last Saturday, we played the dice game for the Mooncake Festival this year. It was also a joint party for Toby, Apit and Uncle Bong. At first, Griffin was the one throwing the dice for us but after a while he lost interest and started playing with his toys. We did not win the big prize, just lots of hopia.

Here's a photo of Griffin before we started playing the game.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Big School

Griffin had his individual test at Xavier School last tuesday.  It was fortunate that his test was scheduled at 10:15 am so he didn't have to get up so early in the morning.  We left the house at 9:15 am and arrived there at 9:45 am.  Griffin still had time to settle down.  

Just like last August when he had his group assessment, he liked looking at the parrot, cockatoos and fish.  But this time, the parrot was whistling to the tune of Happy Birthday and it even said Hi! three times.  He also found a playmate in another little boy named Jacob who was also going to take the test.  He even told the boy, "We used to have a cockatoo but it died".  The boy asked why and he said I don't know.  He actually said that because I told him we used to have a cockatoo but that was a long time ago, years before he was born. 

The test started at exactly 10:15 am and there were three kids.  I thought it was a one-on-one exam.  It lasted for one hour.  When it was time to go, Jacob said bye to Griffin and when we were about to ride our car, Jacob opened their car window to say bye-bye to Griffin again.  Jacob is a very friendly kid, it would be nice to have him as Griffin's classmate if ever they both study at Xavier.

I'm still thinking, if I would have him take an exam at Colegio San Agustin too or just wait for the results at Xavier which will be released on October 1.  

Great Reader

Griffin came home from school today with a stamp on his arm which says Great Reader.  His teacher told me that he's getting better and better at reading.  His current favorite book at home is the Transformers Animated: Robot Roll Call.  I read it to him all the time so he has almost memorized the whole book.

Here's his stamp.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Narrative Report - September 1 to September 5, 2008

Narrative Report
Period Covered: September 1 - September 5, 2008
By: Teacher Cristy

Griffin has been learning to write his name within the blue lines of a pad paper.  While it still is a slow process for him, he doesn't show signs of getting frustrated and instead just constantly seeks affirmation that he is doing alright.

He continues to do very well during activity and work time.  When we made paper airplanes, he worked with blue paper, was quick to draw a pilot and passengers on his plane and put the wings after.  Although sometimes playful at the start, he settles down to work once his attention is called. During work time, when we read a book with words "it, the, is"' he easily sight read the words after one page of guided reading.  He used picture cues well to read words like "fire truck, fast, barn, wagon, strawberry..."   He reads more and more words on his own already.

Once during snack time, some of the girls got into an "argument".  Nadine called Nikka and Adrienne babies.  Adrienne cried while Nikka told Nadine that she will not say hi to her anymore. Griffin was seated beside Nikka that time, and after listening to the "exchange" of words, acted as mediator and told them "it's OK, you don't have to cry, my mommy also calls me a baby sometimes." : )

Friday, September 5, 2008

Snoring and sleep

A few days ago ....

Me: If we have a baby, where will the baby sleep?
Griffin: Beside me.
Me: Where will I sleep?
Griffin: Beside Daddy.
Me:  I don't want to, he's noisy.
Griffin: You just have to put ear plugs like Danny Phantom's mommy.
Me:  I tried that already but daddy is still noisy.  I can't sleep.
Griffin:  Then don't sleep.

Family : Mommy, Daddy and Griffin

In the car, before leaving for school today.....

Me: Is it ok if daddy would bring you to school today?
Griffin: Where will you be?
Me: I will be at home.
Griffin: If you don't come with us, we might not be a family here.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Field Trip to the Philippine Air Force Aerospace Museum

Griffin had their field trip to the PAF Aerospace Museum this morning. Colin, Enzo and Ate Dora rode with us on the way to the museum. We looked around the museum seeing miniature planes, pilot uniforms, guns, real planes and helicopters. Griffin was able to go in an actual helicopter. He also went inside the plane that former President Marcos used during his presidency. He specially liked this plane because he asked me if he could go up the plane again. After the tour of the museum, Griffin had some Nestle Pops and dirty ice cream then it was time to go home.

Class picture at the museum
(L-R: little girl, Enzo, Zach, Griffin, Colin, Nadine, Maddie, Angelo, Nikka, Chesley, Tasha)

in the cockpit

looking around the museum with his classmates

sitting in the ejection seat

in the helicopter

another helicopter

going up the big plane

inside the big plane

Monday, September 1, 2008

Narrative Report - August 25 - August 29, 2008

Narrative Report
Period Covered: August 25 to August 29, 2008
By: Teacher Cristy

Although there were some days when Griffin didn't seem to be in the mood at the start of class time, it was a very good week for him in terms of handling "stress" : ) Once, when his classmates (including hi) were throwing balls during outdoor play, and he got hit by one, he just said "no throwing at friends", and let the incident pass. During work time he continues to be very careful not to make a mistake, and when he happens to write a wrong stroke, he just asks "is that alright" and doesn't fret much.

As we tackled our latest theme "transportation", he was quick to identify the different examples in our chart. When he saw the picture of a red car, he said "i have a red car too but it's a ferrari". He enjoyed our hotwheels racing game, where his violet car won 1st place and he placed 3rd in our train memory game. He participated in our car wash activity, hardly showing any hesitation in hosing the car with water and using a rag to gry it up after.

He did well as we practiced reading _at, _an, ... words and even when we got familiar with _eg, _ed words. He was perfect in our numerals vs number words exercise as well as >, <, more vs less. He just needs to get used to saying "equal" wehn sets have the same number of objects.

Blue fillings

Griffin finally had fillings on his molar done this afternoon. At first, he was hesitant to have his molar drilled but I whispered to him that I would buy him Bumblebee so he agreed. He has a hard time keeping his mouth open for a long time. Fortunately, the dentist was able to do all the fillings so we need not return to the dentist again to finish off the fillings. The dentist gave him a choice of blue, green or pink fillings and he chose blue because he said there was no violet.