Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sad Griffin

When i picked Griffin up today, he looked sad and had teary eyes. I asked him what was wrong and he answered, " I don't know". In the car, on the way home, we asked him again why he was sad and he still said, "I don't know". When my mom asked him if he got a "good job" card, he said he got 3 stars but he did not get a "good job" card. We asked him if that was why he was sad and he said, yes.

I wrote to his teacher and she told me through email that Griffin did cry before dismissal because they had Penmanship and he was scared to stay after school to finish his work in case he doesn't finish it on time. He however finished second to the last and on time so he need not stay after school. He did get 3 stars and his good job card is in school where the teacher keeps them till the end of the week to keep track of who gets a Happy Gram by Friday.

Mid-quarter PTC

I went to the parent-teacher's conference at Griffin's school last Saturday morning. I talked to his teacher, Teacher Ail. She told me that Griffin is a happy boy in school. He is enthusiastic when it comes to recitation. She also told me that when asked a question, Griffin thinks about his answer. His answers are very related to the question unlike some kids who just answer without thinking. She told me that Griffin is smart and has no problem with academics. He is also very friendly. He just gets easily distracted when other kids are talking or playing in class so his attention has to be called. Knowing his happy disposition in school the teacher was surprised when Griffin cried when classes were cancelled. He kept on saying to the teacher that I did not know that classes were cancelled and that I would not come to pick him up.

I am really happy with the feedback I got from the teacher. He also got a Happy Gram last week for being a good boy the whole week. Griffin has improved a lot. He had a lot of homework last weekend, particularly penmanship homework. He was able to finish it without any tantrums. Knowing that he's not fond of writing, writing so many letters and writing his full name 8 times was a major accomplishment, specially because he had to write it on blue-red-blue lines.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Ben Tennyson

Here is Griffin in his Ben 10 costume made by Ama.

Happy Birthday Ama!

Cancelled Classes

Classes were cancelled yesterday. Unfortunately, I learned about the cancellation when I arrived home already. Poor Griffin, he had to wait for more than an hour to be picked up while most of the kids went home already. When my mom got him from the classroom, he was just sitting down on the chair. He kept asking Ama where I was and why I was taking so long.

That night, he told me that he almost cried because I was taking so long. He asked me why I did not know that classes were cancelled. I explained to him that I only learned about the cancellation when I reached home so I had to go back to pick him up. My poor baby, next time it's raining hard, I'll wait for a while, in case they cancel classes again.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Best mommy in the world

Griffin and I were walking out of the EED gym, when I picked him up from school yesterday afternoon. As we left the gym, I saw one of his classmates who was not in PE uniform .....
Me: Why isn't Diego wearing his PE uniform?
Griffin: Maybe his mommy forgot it is PE day today.
Me: Maybe.
Griffin: You're the best mommy in the world because you know everything.
Me: Thanks.

It feels good that Griffin appreciates the things I do for him.