Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Griffin can tie his laces

Griffin can tie his own shoe laces. He just tried it out last night. At first, the knot was kind of loose but when he did it this morning, it actually looked really good. He's really a big boy now. He takes a bath by himself and eats by himself. My little boy is all grown up.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Visit to K.I.D.S.

Griffin had no classes so we visited Teacher Cristy at KIDS yesterday. We arrived at around 11:00am. We were lucky that Teacher Cristy was there because she said she was not teaching this year. She will be in school only for 2 weeks because Teacher May was on leave. Griffin showed his Teacher his Happy Grams, Good job cards and Achievement award. She asked how was Griffin's penmanship and I said he improved a lot. Teacher Mina asked if he has tantrums in school and I said he was well behaved in school. I told Teacher Cristy my worry was Griffin not being able to understand Tagalog and I told her about the Filipino enrichment class I saw. But she said there's no need, he'll learn in school. Anyway, I still have time to teach him before next school year. I also told her that Griffin reads so well. He doesn't read slowly by trying to put the sounds of the letters together. She told me that he's really been a good reader. He sight reads so well.
Griffin had so much fun playing in the playground with his former classmates specially Enzo. His classmates Chesley, Nadine, Maddie and Angelo were there. He was really sweaty after playing on the slide and shooting balls with Enzo. We left at around 11:45 am. He told me he would like to visit again. I told him he could visit if he has no classes. Maybe on December he can visit again.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Hailey at 4 months

Hailey at 4 months can now stay on the bed without crying a little longer. At times, she can be left lying on her back or lying on her tummy and she would squeal and smile. Her neck muscles are very strong now, so she can hold her head steady and even lift her head up for long periods while lying on her tummy. She can easily turn over from lying on her back to lying on her tummy. She can sit up with support and can be propped up to sit leaning on pillows. She also gives big smiles when she's in a good mood so it's much more fun to take pictures of her.

She already has separation anxiety. When I leave her with someone else she usually cries her heart out until I carry her. She would at times stop crying once she hears my voice. I guess she'll be as clingy to me as Griffin was and still is up to now. It feels good to be loved by my kids but it can also be tiring when they want you all the time. I love them both so much inspite of the stress.

Report Card - First Quarter

Griffin got his report card last Friday. As I expected, he had good grades. He even got an achievement award in academics. His lowest "grade" was in Penmanship where he has Limited Progress. I'm not bothered by it because he has improved so much in writing, coloring and even in drawing compared to before he entered big school. He loves writing in his Megasketcher. He can even draw stars and hearts already. He can also draw by just copying a drawing unlike before when he would have tantrums because he couldn't copy the drawing.

UPDATE: I emailed Griffin's teacher to ask what grade he got in his Reading exam. Griffin told me he only got Good in Reading while he got Very Good in Chinese and Math because he got perfect scores in these tests. His teacher answered me today and said that he also got a perfect score in Reading.