Monday, February 22, 2010

Hailey is 9 months

Hailey at 9 months can easily walk around the room while holding onto anything for support. She can crawl really fast and can go up and down the bed. She is quite talkative and has a loud voice. When she sees food, she would make noise to tell you she wants some. When she wants something, she can tell you by making noises and by reaching for it to the point that she could almost fall if you did not hold her tight enough. She loves Griffin and gets excited when he's running around. She eats anything and everything she sees. She knows though, if it's food. Her teeth, both the upper and lower front teeth, are almost coming out. You can see the bump under her gums. Hopefully, the teeth would cut through the gums before she tums 10 months. I think she'd look even cuter with teeth. Her hair is also getting thicker although it's still spiked up. I hope it gets longer soon. I would love to put a hair clip on her. She no longer wants a hairband on her head.