Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Overnight at A. Venue Residences

We were at A . venue residences last weekend for an overnight stay. We purposely went there to have a swim as I promised Griffin. We booked 2 adjacent 1 bedroom suites as no 2 bedroom suites were available. Griffin and Hailey had fun hanging out in the room but of course it was swimming that Griffin was looking forward to. We had our first swim on Saturday after eating lunch at Wendy's. We didn't stay long because the water was so cold that Hailey was shivering. Griffin still wanted to swim but I told him Hailey was cold so we went back to the room. He asked me if he could swim again the next morning and i told him yes if he could get up early. The next day i woke him up at almost 9 am. We just ate a little and went to the pool. The water was still cold so hailey just stayed in the jacuzzi where the water was warm. We stayed there till 11 am. Griffin had fun swimming. He did not want to go yet but we had to because we still had to take a bath and had to check out already. It was a fun weekend for Griffin and Hailey. If only the water wasn't too cold, hailey would have enjoyed it more at the pool.

Hailey's molars

Hailey's 10th and 11th teeth have erupted from her gums. It is the upper left molar and the lower right molar.

Hailey is 19 months

Hailey at 19 months still does not talk but is starting to put together more syllables. She can certainly understand us and can let us know what she wants although not verbally yet. She can now say woof woof when asked what a dog says. She raises both her hands when you say ran ran ru. She also does the same when she wants to see Ronald Mc Donald's ran ran ru video or whenever she sees Ronald's picture or statue. Her new tricks include 'brain freeze' where she holds the sides of her head and says 'aah!' , 'chill' where she stretches both arms with fists balled and shivers, tickle where she pokes you trying to tickle you and cries her fake cry when asked to cry. She once did brain freeze, chill and cry one after another without anyone telling her to do so. She can understand what we say even we are not talking to her. She has this bad habit now of spanking when you tell her 'no' and stamps hers feet when she doesn't get her way. When I ask her where something she played with is, she usually shows me where she left it. She also usually tells when she makes wee wee or poo poo even when she's in diapers. She loves touching stuff in stores and usually makes them fall down specially if they are bottles. She also likes putting stuff in the shopping cart. She loves playing with pretend food and also loves monkeys. I hope she adds more words to her very limited vocabulary. She can now say bubba for bubbles though, something I just heard her say just a few days ago while she was watching Hi5 blowing bubbles on the video. She has no problem making herself understood as she nods or shakes her head for yes or no and points and gestures to help you understand her.