Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hailey is 2 years 9 months old

Hailey at 2 years 9 months old can speak in correct sentences now. Whereas before she used to say "me no see", now she can say "I can't see" or instead of "me no like" she can say "I don't want". She has begun using "I'm" instead of "me" although at times she does not use it correctly. She really loves being a princess, particularly Cinderella. I bought her a pretty blue dress with matching white shoes so she can pretend she's Cinderella. She wears these with her tiara. When she is dressed, she feels and acts like a princess. She pretends that we are the other Cinderella characters like the step sisters and the prince. She is also less shy.

Yesterday, we went to school to pay for reservation fee. I was supposed to reserve for a 3x a week morning slot but was told that nobody avails of 3x a week classes anymore. I felt kind of sad thinking that Hailey would be in school everyday. I know I feel so stressed when both kids are at home but the thought of both of them in school makes me sad. My babies are growing up too fast. Griffin does not even join us when we go to the mall. He prefers to stay home playing computer. I know that I have to make the most of being with them while they're still kids. I know I'm going to miss the noise they make, the crying and the fights they have when they're all grown up.