Sunday, June 22, 2008

Griffin's First Absence

Griffin missed school last Friday. He slept really early the night before. However, he woke up at around 10 p.m., complaining that he could not breathe. I gave him Benadryl to help him sleep. I was hoping that it was only allergy. He couldn't sleep anymore so he watched TV till midnight then fell asleep. He woke up again at 5 a.m. this time coughing. I gave him Ventolin for the cough. He seemed OK and was wide awake already although he did have a runny nose. He fell asleep again after 2 hours. I was kind of sad that he missed school. He was supposed to bring a toy, his triceratops, which according to him was his favorite toy, because they were going to learn about sharing. We even had his snacks planned already. He was supposed to have Frosties and milk and I had prepared everything. But he wasn't really fit to go to school. He would have probably infected his classmates. He's a lot better now but classes are suspended for tomorrow so he has one more day to recuperate.

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