Narrative Report
Period Covered: February 2 to February 6, 2009
By Teacher Cristy
Except for the tantrum he threw last monday when his seatmate Maddie accidentally hit his hand while he was doing his dot to dot activity, Griffin was in a positive disposition during most of the week.
When asked to draw God's creation, he drew his family. And as we talked about God's love and Jesus on the cross, he referred to our crucifix as Papa Jesus and kissed it as we passed it around. When he made a doorknob hanger with a sign "Jesus is watching over me" on one side and "do not disturb" on the other side, he asked what "the do not disturb" side is for. At first, he only decorated his hanger with a few cut-outs but when he saw the others full of cut-outs, he asked if he could add more pieces to his work.
He did very, very well (as usual) during worktime and just told his friends to wait for him when the worksheets involved writing letters (which he is still not very comfortable with). During one exercise where there was a picture of a hut and he has to fill in the missing letter _ut, he couldn't figure it out. When I told him it was a hut, he quickly wrote "h" and then asked what a hut is, I tolod him it's a small house. "I don't live in a hut", he was quick to say. :)
During one group hug, which we sometimes do at the end of classtime, he got hugged a bit tighter than usual and cried. He stopped crying only after several prompts. After that though, he went on to join us for our final song, as if nothing happened.
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