Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hailey is 16 months

Hailey at 16 months knows how to get what she wants. She often cries to get her way. She quickly climbs the computer chair once she sees that its empty then gestures that she wants to watch youtube. She pushes Griffin when he comes close to the computer and if he does not leave, she starts to cry. She still has not said her first word, although these past few days she has called me "mama" a few times. I tell her to say mama so I can catch it on video but she refuses to say it. She can understand what you tell her and follows instructions like when you ask her to get something. She seems to have a good memory too. She can also identify objects in her books and posters. She likes playing with the play doh ice cream maker and pretends to eat the ice cream. She cries when she gets frustrated at something she can't do. She likes scribbling on her whiteboard. Just recently, she has been enjoying eating on her own. I gave her a small spoon and fork and she tries to eat on her own although the rice oftens falls off the spoon before it reaches her mouth.

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