Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hailey is 20 months old

Hailey turned 20 months last January 20. At 20 months, she can understand very well. When you tell her to do something, she follows. She listens to our conversations and reacts which means she understands. She seems to understand both Filipino and English. She still doesn't talk though. The few words she can say are "da" or "ya", "ow", "uh oh", "aye" for bye or hi and just today she said "ine" for mine. She is slowly learning to say new words but her comprehension seems to be advanced. I was asking Griffin the other day if he wanted nuggets from Mc Donald's and Hailey reacted by raising her finger which meant to say she wanted some too. She even reacts when I say things in Filipino. She seems smart too, I hope she would do well in school too just like Griffin.

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