Monday, January 23, 2012

Hailey is 2 years 8 months old

Hailey at 2 years 8 months can speak in sentences better now. She still uses "me" instead of "I". She is very observant and has a good memory. A few days ago we were in Shopwise and passes by the Carbtrim shelf and she told me, "Mommy like". She probably heard me comment on the Carbtrim commercial saying I liked the product. She also recognizes the junk food that Iper buys when we are at the chips section. She's a lot better in Filipino. Griffin, at this age could not understand any Filipino word. She knows the meaning of Filipino words like basa (wet), mata, buhok, ilong, tapon, maybe even more. She can also understand when you speak in Filipino although I don't know how much she understands. She loves pretend cooking, pushing her shopping cart around, filling bags with stuff and carrying it around. She can also fold a hand towel with a piece of tissue inside and gives it to me saying " gift to you" meaning its a gift for me.

This is how she pronounces the following words. She sounds so cute when she says these words.
Jan8-recue me for rescue me
            -cebration for celebration
            -lunchime for lunch time
Jan22-patater for computer
               -aytus me for excuse me

Hailey can now write the letters H, O, T and can draw faces quite well. She still does not know the alphabet so well except for the letter O, that is why I'm thinking of sending her to school this coming school year so that she could learn more things. I tried teaching her letters but she's not so interested. We visited K.I.D.S last thursday and seems like she's ok with school, she follows and repeats what the teacher says especially when she joined the stretch n grow class. I'm still deciding though if she'll be in school everyday or iust 3x a week.

My baby is such a big girl now. She'll be 3 already on May 20. Time flies so fast.

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