Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Second Day of Summer School

HIs hand inside the bird puppet which he made in school.

He told me that he glued the eyes, tongue and feathers. He said that he asked for a violet beak because the teacher gave him a green one.

Griffin's teacher talked to me when I dropped him off at school this morning. She told me that if I would allow it, she would like to place Griffin in kinder instead of nursery. If age would be followed, he is supposed to belong to the level 2 class (ages 3 to 4 years old). However, according to the teacher, she has observed Griffin and thinks he could join the level 3 class. Griffin will be 4 in August so he'll be one of the older kids if he joins the nursery class but he may be the youngest if he joins the kinder class. The teacher told me that the level 3 class would be more rigid, more worksheets, like writing their whole name, whereas the nursery class would start writing their names only towards the end of the school year.

I agreed that Griffin be placed in the level 3 class to prepare him better for big school which will most probably be a traditional school. What I like about the school is that when the kids do the worksheets, they usually do it with a teacher in very small groups like 2 to 3 students to 1 teacher. This way, full attention is given to the kid. I also chose this school because it is semi-progressive. They give importance to play since kids really learn through play and I know that Griffin will learn more if he is enjoying while learning.

When I picked up Griffin, he was excited to get the bird puppet he made and even forgot about his bags. After a while, he said, "I forgot my bags." and proceeded to the cubby hole but I told him that I got them already. Before leaving the school, the other teacher told me that Griffin is so cute. She said that she told him, "No shouting." and Griffin answered, "One time only.". That's typical of Griffin, he always has excuses for the things he does.

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