Friday, October 17, 2008

First Semester Assessment

Griffin had his first semester assessment this morning from 8:30 to 9:30 am. We arrived in school really early today. I stayed with Griffin till his teacher came. After a while he started answering the worksheets then Zach arrived and started doing his worksheets too. Zach finished his work ahead of Griffin. They played for a few minutes then they started doing their math worksheets.

When they were done, Teacher Cristy gave them Spiderman bubbles. She told me that Griffin's weakness is writing. I know that because up to now he's really not an expert yet at writing, especially writing lowercase letters and numbers. But she told me, when it came to the math part, he was really fast. She says that sometimes, he doesn't even count the objects anymore, he just looks at them and knows how many there are.

His Progress Report will be given to us on tuesday then the Parent-Teachers Conference will be on thursday.

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