Monday, October 13, 2008

K.I.D.S. United Nations Program

Griffin had their United Nations Program last Saturday at the Philippine Navy Officers' Clubhouse. The Program started a few minutes after 9:00 am. Griffin was one of the kids on stage during the National Anthem. Their class represented the Philippines.

Griffin is not the shy type so he has no worries about performing on stage in front of a lot of people. He danced together with his classmates to the tune of Blue Jeans by Apo Hiking Society. Right after their performance, he got hungry so I bought him hotdog on stick. He ate up 3 hotdogs on stick so by the time the program ended, he didn't want to eat the snacks that were prepared for the kids.

Here are some photos:

Waiting for the program to start

During the National Anthem

Dancing Blue Jeans

After the program

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