Nenen-na is a term Griffin uses when he wants to nurse. He has been breastfed since he was a day old, but purely breastfed from 3 weeks old.
He hasn't stopped nursing up to now, at 3 years and 5 months old. He mostly nurses at night to get to sleep or when he has tantrums. Maybe, its partly my fault because nursing has been so convenient. It makes him stop crying when he has tantrums or when he's hurt. It gets him to sleep specially when he wakes up in the middle of the night, and it makes him feel better when he feels bad. In fact, when he has tantrums recently, he tells me, "Mommy, I want to nenen-na so I'll be happy."
When he was younger he used to nurse all the time that's why I didn't want staying out of the house for a long time because he'll surely ask to nurse. First, he used to ask for nenen-na even when we're at a store or in a restaurant, then as he got older, he would ask to go to the car to nurse.
Later on, he no longer asks to nurse when we're at the mall, but that hasn't stopped him from nursing when we're at home or in the car. When we tell him that big boys don't nenen, he says, "but i still nenen." He just won't stop.
Just recently, we asked him when he is going to stop nursing, he said, "When I'm 4 years old." We'll see what happens when he turns 4.
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