Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Griffin as a baby

We went home on August 5 after 3 nights in the hospital. I was so happy to be home at last with our baby Griffin.

The first night with him was the beginning of many sleepless nights. He was a very fussy baby who cried often. He had very short naps during the day and had crying spells both day and night. He usually had to be carried to stop him from crying. I would lay him on my chest to sleep as he would sleep only for a few minutes when put down on the bed.

Despite being fussy, he was a very smiley baby. It was easy to make him laugh, that's why it was so much fun taking photos of him. He was a very talkative baby, babbling a lot. It was a joy to have him in our lives because of the noise and laughter he brought to our home.

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