Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Narrative Report - August 4 - August 8, 2008

Narrative Report
Period Covered: August 4 - August 8, 2008
By Teacher Cristy

As we started to talk about our latest theme "community helpers", we looked at pictures of different occupations and talked about some of the work that grown-ups do. Griffin identified several of the pictures (like the doctor, policeman, fireman, builder, painter.....) When asked what he wants to be when he grows up, he said in a very sure tone "I want to be a scientist"!

He was quick to grasp the concept on sequencing (first, middle, last) as well as ordinal numbers first - fifth. He answered his worksheets in this regard without difficulty. He also easily understood the concept of determining patterns with 2 objects involved and just needed minimal cues with 3 objects.

The day after he got very anxious with work time, he was more relaxed when answering his work for the day and when he happened to write a wrong letter or draw a wrong line, he was very careful with his reaction and tried very hard not to cry.

During our visit to Medicus, Griffin was Zach's buddy as they were asked to walk in pairs during the tour. He listened and observed as the dentist talked and showed them different dental instruments. He also volunteered to sit on the dental chair as it was hoisted up and down by the dentist. He also listened to the x-ray technician as he showed some samples of x-rays taken. He also tried reading letters from the lighted eye chart.

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